Inner Shaman Adventures

Photo by me
Blogs about my adventures in Shamanism...

Blog Posts on 'Finding My Inner Shaman' course facilitated by: Rebekah Shaman

Base Chakra - What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Sacral Chakra - The lessons I continually need to re-learn...

Solar Plexus Chakra - 'I feel depths and heights and they connect me to those at their lowest ebb and those experiencing the peaks of possibility.'

Heart Chakra - On love...

Throat Chakra - Learning to speak my truth..

Third Eye Chakra - Listening to what is right for me...

Photo by dghchocolatier

Blog Posts on my journeys with Cacao - Cacao supplied by: The Cacao Tribe and 
These Cacao Ceremonies have been facilitated by Rebekah Shaman, if you don't know anything about using Cacao as a medicine, she writes this:

'Cacao (raw chocolate) is a powerful plant medicine that has been used ceremonially for thousands of years across Central and South America. The people of ancient Mesoamerica attributed a sacred status to Cacao and would drink it ceremonially to commune with their gods.

A Cacao Ceremony gives us sacred time and space for ourselves in a hectic and stressful world. It is the perfect space to switch off from the outside chaos and journey into the silence within, so that we can become clearer on who we are, where we are going, and the opportunities available to us.Whether you are looking for help shifting an emotional blockage, letting go of the past, finding your way, or you simply need to lift your spirits, these ceremonies can provide the focus you need to re-align and get back on track.'

During ceremony, Rebekah will speak about the intention of the ceremony and ask us what our intentions are. We will then pick a card from Osho Zen Tarot to help guide us and afterwards we will drink the Cacao and be guided on a Shamanic journey. When it has ended we will share the wisdom we have learned and pick another card as guidance.

Cacao Ceremony 1: Cacao Ceremony 1
The start of a beautiful relationship with cacao...

Cacao Ceremony 2: Cacao Ceremony 2
'Every day is a new day with a gift to give - notice the blessings in your life. Those small moments are gifts for you to understand miracles exist everywhere.'

Cacao Ceremony 3: Cacao Ceremony 3
'Anything you want to do, you can do.'

Cacao Ceremony 4: Cacao Ceremony 4
'This year has been a period of transformation for you. The moment the bells chimed midnight and moved into 2015, deep changes occurred.'

Cacao Ceremony 5: Cacao Ceremony 5 
'Go back to the source, your source, and take strength from that.'

Cacao Ceremony 6: Cacao Ceremony 6
'The only person you can control is yourself and what is happening for you.'

Cacao Ceremony 7: Cacao Ceremony 7
'Change is not something to fear; embrace it and be happy. Adapt and accept whatever life throws at you and understand that everyone has their role to play.'

Cacao Ceremony 8: Cacao Ceremony 8
'You are allowing life to take it's own pace rather than forcing it to bend to your own will.'

Cacao Ceremony 9: Cacao Ceremony 9
  'Be clear about what is you and what is others.'
  'You mean, don't take on other people's shit?'
  'If that works for you.'

Cacao Ceremony 10: Cacao Ceremony 10
'For too long I have let memories dictate my decisions - unconsciously and consciously. My work is to stop clinging and to now allow life to unfold as it is.'

Cacao Ceremony 11: Cacao Ceremony 11
'Somehow I have started to reconnect with the feeling that every step of my life is sacred and this journey between life and death is a pilgrimage.'

Cacao Ceremony 12: Cacao Ceremony 12
'You will see that by doing what is best for the greater good, you will also be doing what is best for yourself.'

Cacao Ceremony 13: Cacao Ceremony 13
'If you can love others unconditionally, why not yourself? We all come from the same source. We are all one. As we are all one, how come someone be above or below you? Neither one of us is better or worse - we are just helping each other on our path.'

Cacao Ceremony 14:Cacao Ceremony 14
'Become still in the movement.'

Cacao Ceremony 15: Cacao Ceremony 15
'Embody the warrior's spirit. No one is served when you play small.'

Cacao Ceremony 16: Cacao Ceremony 16
'Find a job that is in alignment with the flow of your life. Follow your own heart.'

Cacao and Hawthorn Ceremony 17: Cacao and Hawthorn Ceremony 17
'You come from a long line of women who were very strong, but also limited by the men in their lives. In this lifetime, you are here to break that cycle.

Cacao Ceremony 18: Cacao Ceremony 18
'The flow is the plan.'

Cacao Ceremony 19: Cacao Ceremony 19
'As the energy of 2016 dissipated into mere fragments that are now memories, I felt a resurgence of energy to embrace 2017...'


Blog Posts about the course Introduction to Shamanism & the Medicine Wheel facilitated by Miguel da Silva and Gareth Hughes

Inner Shaman Adventures - Rapé and Sananga Ceremony
Facing fear and doing it anyway

Inner Shaman Adventures: Jaguar - Love in Motion
'Oh Jaguar, I asked you to allow the fear of death to fall from my eyes. You gave me a teacher so profound.'

Photo by Devanath

I have now undertaken a number of courses in Core Shamanism by the UK Faculty of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and was taught by Marta Niccolai.

Inner Shaman Adventures - The Way of the Shaman 'Power comes from within, energy is all there is, love is all there is, I am all there is.'

Blog Posts about other Shamanic activities I've participated in:

Inner Shaman Adventures:  Finding my blocks and dissolving
Finding my birdhouse in my soul :)

Ayahuasca Ceremony Weekend 1: Ayahuasca Ceremony Weekend 1
Finding gratitude :)

Inner Shaman Adventures: Lunar Loveliness
'Everything is perfect as it is, so why fear?'

Working with claustrophobia and trying to overcome it...

Cacao Ceremony led by Carmen Saccone - Cacao Ceremony 20: Cacao Ceremony 20
'Darling, the time has come. You are entering the field of relationship on a deeper level. You need a place to root down so you can healthily blossom in love.'

Cacao Ceremony led by Carmen Saccone - Cacao Ceremony 21
'Try not to force life. Life will happen in the way that it is meant. If you have or do not have children, your creativeness is your fertility. Your round belly is a source of life, not just for children but for all birth.'

Cacao Ceremony led by myself - Cacao Ceremony 22
'Allow yourself to shine my darling. Do not be ashamed of who you are.'

Hoska Ceremony led by Anthar Kharana - Hoska Ceremony 1: Hoska Ceremony

Find me at:
Facebook: Gracie's FB page

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