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Image by Bessi from Pixabay |
The planet is rejoicing - the air and water are cleaner, animals are safer and calm has infiltrated the most chaotic spaces. Mother Earth is having her time. It's like she has sent us humans to the naughty corner to think about what we have done.
And what have we done? We have continued, without respite, to inflict abuse, pain, horror and heartbreak on Her. Without thought for balance, suddenly nature is fighting back and trying to make sure we finally understand our place.
The human race can be so easily obliterated. It is only because of love that we are still here. We are loved more than we know each moment of every day. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the ground we walk on, the creation that abounds around us is love in action, a love we take for granted and have become complacent about.
During this time, it is important that we also love. Whether that is by following the social distancing rules, self-isolation, checking in with ourselves, family, friends and community to ensure they have the physical and emotional support needed. It is also a time of reflection to return our love to Mother Earth and to see how we can change moving forward so that we help maintain and respect the delicate balance in the exchange of love.
What we receive from Mother Earth is unconditional, she is our greatest teacher. One night I woke up with my chest constricted and struggling to breathe. She told me, 'This is how I feel everyday. You are choking me with your cars, oil, factories and manufacturing. I cannot breathe. If I cannot breathe, please understand, you are not able to breathe.' I gasped and then cried when I realised what we are doing to her.
I wake up everyday with the heavy load of grief on my chest and she told me, 'Moment to moment you are killing your brethren: the animals, fish, forests and fauna. There is no reverence for the old ways when the cycles of life and death were followed and you show disrespect to all I have created when you kill on purpose, without conscious assent from that being. Although the dead are still a part of me, they no longer support the living functioning of our existence and so the cycle is upset.'
Last night, I woke in high anxiety with voices around me seeking help on what to do, how to understand, and I heard her say, 'Come home and listen, look and reflect on what changes need to be made so we can live in harmony. Meditate and look within so you can truly understand what is within is with - out. The human race are in dis-ease and are no longer guided by love so have become out of step with the rhythms of this planet. The human race need to regain perspective and truly open their hearts to what is, not what they would like things to be.'
This is a time to open our hearts and ask Mother Earth how we can be and what we can do so that harmony can re-emerge. She is warning us. But this is no longer a time for fear, it is a time of love. As a human race we need to submit, lean into and let go into this temporary enforced rest so that we have been provided so that we can re-emerge into more loving, caring beings, willing to work in harmony with, not against, our Mother.
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