Sunday, 2 February 2014

Finding Destiny - Short Story

She felt it inside her again; this feeling that she was wasting her life. She didn’t quite know what to do now this feeling had resurrected itself. Last night she had watched a movie where the protagonist had followed her destiny and knew her place in the world. Inside her she knew her destiny was big too yet she just didn’t know what it was or whether she was fulfilling it.

With her perfectly manicured hand, she opened her diary and read some of her own thoughts, written months ago in another country. These words felt like they were written by someone else, cast with some other hand. Now she had settled back into Jersey she felt like that person was someone she used to know; a friend who she hung out with on her travels. Her idealistic traveller-friend with dreams and hopes for company and bravery and honesty as her armour… In comparison she felt a little dowdy, trying to grow up and fit in with cultural norms, scoffing at the so-called drop-outs who have gone to try and find themselves on tropical sandy beaches wearing flip-flops and flimsy material for clothes. Knowing the locals were greedily picking up their cash in return for the carefully set-up paradise they created.

She looked at the words again, pleading with her to pursue the simple life. One of need not want, appreciating nature not wasting its resources. Seeing life from a different perspective, embracing everyone for the person they are not the numbers they produce on a file.

She didn’t want to see that now. She looked at these naïve words shouting at her in big capital letters, imploring her not to give up. Not to make-do with everyone else’s version of happiness. Not to let comfort and security lure her into a false sense of joy. She felt these words to be childish, immature; stinking hippy tree-hugging nonsense.

She closed the book, finished her coffee and made her way back to work. Her hair carefully straightened, her clothes fitting her body perfectly and her make-up covering any imperfections. She looked the part again. She knew she did. But as she walked back into the office building, swiping her card for entry, she left her destiny and her flip-flops outside, waiting for her to find them again.  

You can read my short stories here: Gracie's short stories

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