Thursday, 2 June 2016

Bravery - Poem

Bravery is a dying art.
The art of treading a new path.
One which many would shy away from.
Can you see that time goes so fast
when your bravery comes to pass?
Yet the choices we all make
are they really so new?

A Master is inviting you.
The art of noticing within.
One which many would shy away from.
Can you see that time plays tricks too?
Is bravery trying to fool?
Are you ready to challenge 
this path if it's really new?

Bravery is a dying art.
The art of a strong warrior.
One which many would shy away from.
Can you see that time seems to slow
when bravery is needed?
You have some choices to make
Why are you so scared of the new?

A Master is asking you to 
the art of self-engineering.
He knows you are ready to fight now.
Can't you see that time doesn't stop
for the bravery deep in you?
You're ready for the challenge
There's no need to be scared of the new.

You can read other poems here: Gracie's poems

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