As I entered the check-in area at the airport, I saw my accidental Ayahuasca
doula and we greeted each other like long lost friends.
‘Are you going to Aniwa?’
‘Yes, I am!’
Little did I know that this would be a weekend of synchronicities,
magic and some deep healing. I was blessed to meet with some of the most
powerful Shamans on the planet and was a part of some very different
ceremonies, stories, discussions and rituals. To go through all the experiences
would be tantamount to a novel but when I came back to London to finally move
house, I did so with a renewed sense of wonder at the magic this planet holds
and a deep sense of gratitude to my ancestors, the elements and the Grace that
weaves my life together.
Whilst there I met a Shaman called Anthar
Kharana who led some of us in a hoska ceremony as part of creating and
building a labyrinth over the four days we were together. I had been involved
in rapé
ceremonies and during Aniwa had many opportunities to work with tobacco, but hoska
is known to have a softer response and was new to me. I was intrigued
to see what the medicine would bring.
We sat in a circle and Anthar spoke about the labyrinth and the
medicine it creates and how we could be a part of the magic it held. We all
agreed that we wanted to be a part of creating something loving on the island,
a space that would provide others the levels of transformation we all wanted to
Anthar gave us the gift of song and together we sang about how we are
all family, including the animals, wind, stones and the elements, how they are
a part of us and we are a part of them. As we sang, I felt my heart open and be
closer to the earth and her magic, I felt a sense of aliveness and a deep communion
with all beings.
As Anthar delicately, and with great respect, imparted the medicine, it
worked immediately and I came into contact with the women from my two ancestral
lines. The Scottish on one side, the Italian on the other and between them they
formed a great river of tears. In their tears I could feel their strength, pain and hear their stories. I was told that my sisters and I are the
bearers of our ancestral pain, their heartbreak, love and wisdom.
I saw those women crying, expressing their deepest pain, trauma
and tragedy and my tears joined theirs - I couldn’t stop crying. I was with them, I could feel them. In that moment, I understood that the
blood contained in my veins was much more than fluid that delivers nutrients
and oxygen – it also holds history and destiny.
In a vision I saw that my sisters and I expressed this suffering and
knowledge differently, particularly with the way we approached relationships. We
three, different branches of the same river, navigating the connections in our
life, were trying to make sense of the inherited knowledge with
our own karmic ties.
I was told that part of our mission on the planet today was to heal
ourselves as well as our ancestral pain. We were placed here to start the
process of healing so that future generations will be born clean of
historical trauma and make way for a new way of living.
So let it be so.
Hoska Ceremony facilitated by Anthar Kharana
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