Friday, 24 June 2016

Looking Within - Poem

The destination keeps changing
but my mind tries to stay the same.
Wherever I am,
whatever I stand for,
is as fluid as the water that makes me.
Makes me into what…?
I don’t know
but I glow
when I know the path is alight
with the right energy.

My mind tries to stop me…
gives me thoughts
that take me away
keeps me dreaming the dream.
I have seen
immortals die and
mortals fly
around my head
no blackness, just red
passions never subside

I try and hide
but they know
where I live
I’m taken away
a false map given
I want to be here now
How to surrender to the truth?
When everything is designed
to lure away
bring me pain

How can I change again?
Can I be trained?
Or chained?
Or can I just refrain?
Nothing is the same in my head
Observe and see
But I can’t agree
To the terms and conditions
of what is Not
I’m stuck

Struck down
by a limbo state
I can’t go back
to who I was before
No interest in outside games
I never understood
My life looks within
I’m shedding my skin
To dissolve the boundary
between outside and within

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Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Wisdom from a Tree - Blog Post

There is a line drawn. A point made. A place where an event happened some time ago and no one around you can have another conversation about it. For me it was him. I lost him. And I have had every conversation possible until there were no words left. I thought those conversations would make me bare, ready to start again, but I realised I was still full of him – of loss, sadness and heartbreak.

This morning I woke up feeling as if I would burst. Emotions leaked from my eyes, nose, mouth... even my pores. I couldn’t move without spilling and nothing seemed to help. I was filled, as if I had packed in more feelings than I had body space.

I realised in all that time I hadn’t emptied much at all and I was still full.

I put on my shoes and started walking my usual route to the woods. I needed to seek solace and feel grounded - find my connection and place within the world. I needed to find some peace.  In my meandering I found two silver birch trees together, yet apart from the others – one of the trunks had been struck by lightning, and even though it was damaged it was still alive and blossoming. I decided to sit.

I started to speak.

I spoke about my love for this man who no longer wanted me to be in his life, about the times we spent together and the joy I had felt being in his presence. I spoke about the stability I had never experienced before, and the quality of our love – the nurturing, sweet, kind, soulful love of twin spirits. I spoke of our relationship which included a friendship where we could have a conversation just by reading each other’s facial expressions and gauging the energy fields around us.

I spoke of my dreams and expectations of keeping a love like this. I spoke of making a commitment to someone and what that means to me. I spoke about how when I say I love someone it means more than just a feeling within. How it means that I will be present for that person, that there is a willingness to grow, being there regardless. It means I will face life in partnership and not walk away or let go.

Like he did.

My feelings of fullness could not be denied any longer. I sat in front of the tree and cried. I broke open. I shouted, wailed and thumped my hands on the ground. There were tears, snot, phlegm and clutching of grass and at one point I clung to the tree as my tears fell into the crevices of the bark. I felt every emotion I held within fully, finally there was no need to control or stifle.

I told the tree about the lies I was told, about his betrayal, his actions and the pain he had caused. I told the tree about how he ended our relationship and walked away without another look back. I told her about how he let me go. I spoke of my pain, grief, shock, heartbreak and how his actions had impacted me, as if a lightning bolt had struck me and I was still reeling.

As I calmed I then spoke to the tree about my fear. I told her about how I am scared that I will never find a love as beautiful. How I am fearful that I will never be able to know a partnership again. I crawled up close to the tree and whispered, ‘Have I been so damaged that I will never experience love again?’

And patiently, in union, the wind buffeted the tree and she gently spoke, ‘Look up.’

I looked at the stump, sitting strongly in the ground, rooted in Mother Earth. I let my gaze travel as I saw the damage, the scars and the pain the tree had experienced over the years and its subsequent healing. As my eyes travelled I looked further and I saw her leaves dancing gently in the breeze – alive, alight, happy and joyful. And then I really saw the tree’s capability to survive, love and bloom, no matter what has been experienced.

I had been given my answer.

I was spent. When I stood up and walked away, I realised my roots were deep just like the tree. I realised I was capable of surviving and thriving too. My mind had calmed and my heart was stilled. I finally felt emptied, liberated and free.

You can read other blog posts here: Gracie's blog posts   

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Sunday, 5 June 2016

Escape - Short Story

She sat at the café and placed her notebook on the table in front of her in case any thoughts or ideas needed to be written. She waited to see if a story would come. Practising patience, with her head held high, she looked at the people around her and watched.

She noticed a woman with her eyes closed, her head over the steam from her coffee. Her blonde hair was slowly falling in front of her face as the pushchair next to her rocked slightly from side to side as a child played with a toy. Exhaustion emanated from every bone in her body.

Across from her were a couple who were on their phones. They were smiling at the words or pictures on their screens, visiting a world that didn’t include the other. She watched the man quickly glance up at the woman in front of him and saw a faint crease on his forehead appear. She thought he looked puzzled; he took a sip of his drink and then dove back into the escape hatch he held in his hands, and smiled.

She moved on and contemplated a lone man reading a book, with a large mug and a half a piece of cake in front of him. His crutches had been pushed to the side and the plaster cast on his leg looked aging, blackened by the polluted streets he needed to swing through to get around. He turned the pages with intent, focused on the next stage in the story. She wondered how he had hurt his leg.

Slowly her eyes passed over people and she looked at each person until her eyes met a man across the room. He was looking at her and smiling. They looked each other as if they both knew a secret and nodded, then they both looked away and retreated into their own worlds.

You can read my short stories here: Gracie's short stories

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Thursday, 2 June 2016

Bravery - Poem

Bravery is a dying art.
The art of treading a new path.
One which many would shy away from.
Can you see that time goes so fast
when your bravery comes to pass?
Yet the choices we all make
are they really so new?

A Master is inviting you.
The art of noticing within.
One which many would shy away from.
Can you see that time plays tricks too?
Is bravery trying to fool?
Are you ready to challenge 
this path if it's really new?

Bravery is a dying art.
The art of a strong warrior.
One which many would shy away from.
Can you see that time seems to slow
when bravery is needed?
You have some choices to make
Why are you so scared of the new?

A Master is asking you to 
the art of self-engineering.
He knows you are ready to fight now.
Can't you see that time doesn't stop
for the bravery deep in you?
You're ready for the challenge
There's no need to be scared of the new.

You can read other poems here: Gracie's poems

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