Saturday, 30 July 2016

Frustrations of a Woman Living in Bangkok - Poem

A stranger at home
but I am not alone
when I have my self
for company.
Nothing is free in this city
except the smiles on the street.
Spirituality is denied me
The monks focus
on my femininity,
not on me.
It’s culturally binding.
Buddha had no part
in its making.
Why is it I want
what is not
open to me?

A place at the feet
Of those who know more
Than they teach
Windows leading on to paths
On to roads
Pushing me out
Onto dirty canal boats
But I dodge and shy away
From the barefoot orange
That walk the streets
I just look
At my uninteresting feet
Baking in the dust and heat
Wondering if they’ll ever
Be washed by
Dhamma’s all-seeing.

You can read other poems here: Gracie's poems 

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Picture taken by me in Bangkok, Thailand.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Inner Shaman Adventures - Cacao Ceremony 15

It had been two months since I sat with the Shaman. During that time I thought of Old Mother Cacao often, realising how she is now a part of me and I am a part of an ever increasing community who is learning to reconnect with our plants and trees.

I sat in the circle and told the Shaman, 'I have been working on the path of self-love and self-worth for a while now. I know something is going to happen this week which will make me put all my work into action. I have come to cacao for some support. Aho.' I pulled the card, 'Trust'.

I drank in as much cacao as I could muster before I felt my body heave in response.

I lay down and heard Mother Earth say, 'You came from me and you will return. You are always a part of me. You are protected.' I could feel her solidity underneath me and I knew I was being held.

For a long time I only felt bodily sensations, I couldn't see Old Mother Cacao and so I consciously allowed myself to relax.

   'Stand your ground.'

I saw Old Mother Cacao beside me and I went to sit at her feet but she always remained by my side as equals, indicating that we are all equals on this journey in life.

  'When you challenge authority, you are providing them a chance to learn too. By expressing self-love in motion you are showing that you are worth protecting. This is a lesson for you to realise there is no need to have fear in standing up for yourself. You are worthy.'

  'Embody the warrior's spirit. No one is served when you play small.'

I could remember times when I have allowed myself to be talked down too, to be made small and feel unworthy. For a long time I never felt I was deserving of being treated properly, and I would capitulate to those I thought knew better and became oppressed. I would dumb myself down to make others look good.

No more. I know it is time to stand in my own power and trust that I know and understand I have the capacity to change a situation. My position of victimhood is outgrown and I will no longer be controlled by fear. I always have a choice, even if I don't like it. I can always create change.

  'It's not what we do, it's how we do it.'

I felt loving warrior energy course through my veins as I felt support from Old Mother Cacao pulsing through. I felt excited... and prepared.

  She said, 'My darling, remember the journey you had when you saw yourself on a path, and when you followed your intuition it led you to dance through life. You saw how the road lit up bright yellow as you placed your foot on each paving stone. Remember that vision where you loved and trusted each step you took, knowing that you were on the right path. You are on that path now - dance!'

The Shaman asked our future selves to enter the journey, she said they had a gift for us. I saw myself a week later and she gave me a diamond. Suddenly a memory returned of a client that I used to work with came to mind. I could hear him shouting, telling me, 'You're f**king gold you are!' I looked at that diamond, saw that it had withstood an immense amount of pressure to become so beautiful. I felt tears spring to my eyes as I understood that I am going through the same process.

After the journey I pulled the card, 'Rebirth.' It felt potent as I honestly feel a new woman is emerging from these old bones. I am walking my talk. I am starting a new era.


You can find more adventures in Shamanism here: Inner Shaman Adventures

Cacao Ceremonies facilitated by Rebekah Shaman

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Sunday, 17 July 2016

The Hyderabadi Times - Poem

The Hyderabadi Times

Living under Hyderabadi skies
Smoke rises, autos fly
Yellow and black take me far
To yogic traditions and the cinema
The city ‘a jungle’ the new arrival swoons
A rollercoaster ride dancing to Tollywood tunes
Day by day a little deeper we go
Limitations, conversations and initiations flow.

Crossing roads a challenge, horns blare
People selling wallets or plastic combs for hair
We can always eat pizza when rice isn’t enough
Especially when the rollercoaster is a little rough
Hot chocolates soothe, Chocochinos smooth
Help us fit in with the Hyderabadi groove

Visions of the future, emails of the past
As we walk along the road hot air blasts
Traffic policemen politely ask us to drink
Responsibility and acceptance force us to think
Fear dissolves after tears secretly form
Transformation takes place, rigidity torn

Eight days in a city an education takes place
We start to adapt to whatever we face
Leaving the city, an ancient town
And the lake that holds Buddha’s crown
Overlooked by a temple, dressed in white
A bride in all her purity reaching great heights.

You can read other poems here: Gracie's poems

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